
BlueSCSI v2 Pico [DB25]


SKU: V2-DB25 Category:



It’s Faster! It’s Better! It’s the the BlueSCSI v2 SCSI hard drive emulator!

This 25-pin external version provides a convenient way to use SD cards as hard drives for your vintage computer. It comes as a fully assembled solution or kit!

For the kit builders: We’ve pre-soldered all of the surface-mount components for you. All you need to do is some through hole soldering and you’re done!

Just got your BlueSCSI? Start here for instructions, tips, tricks and more!


We are not Amazon – everything is built to order. Shipping days are usually Tuesday or Thursday. You will receive a shipping notice with an ETA within a day or two of ordering.

Warranty and Returns:

Fully Assembled: 14 day return for non-working. Please note this does not include incompatibility with your system.

Kits and PCB’s: Due to the nature of kits and PCB orders  – you assembling it and soldering it yourself – we will not accept returns. We will however help you determine the issue.

Additional information


Kit No Pico, Kit with Pico, Kit with Pico-W, Fully Assembled Pico, Fully Assembled with Pico-W

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