BlueSCSI v1 Firmware Update Service


In stock



If you purchased a BlueSCSI v1 before 04/11/2022 from me or any authorized seller your BlueSCSI does not have the ability to be updated easily via a USB cable.

Authorized sellers will – for the cost of shipping – update your BlueSCSI for you!

Your BlueSCSI must be in working order. I will update to the latest firmware and load the USB Bootloader.

Next time there is an update you will be able to easily flash it with a USB cable.


  • Purchase this service which covers the return mailing.
  • Instructions for shipping will be on the page after checkout.
  • Send in your BlueSCSI, and get it back a few days later with the latest and greatest.

Note this covers return shipping for 1-2 BlueSCSI’s that can fit in a small box of padded mailer and total weight is under 9oz. If you have more please email me first.

This is for all versions of BlueSCSI from 1.0-a to 1.1-a.

Please note I am limiting this to a few per week to ensure I can get them all done in a timely manner.

This is for US shipping only.

If you would like to try this yourself instead, instructions are here